Horòscop 2023: Aquari
The stars say that Aquarius in 2023, the Year of the Rabbit, will be able to fully reveal themselves! To do this, it is enough not to be afraid and not to be afraid. What is expected on the love front and whether finances will fail, a professional astrologer will tell in the material “KP”

Astrologers note that the Year of the Rabbit for many signs of the zodiac will be a year of transformation, achievement and discovery. Aquarians are no exception! As professional astrologer Alisa Gold told KP, this sign is waiting for the disclosure of itself and its nature. So get ready for change! The Year of the Rabbit will put Aquarius on the right track – they will finally decide on their goals in life, perhaps they will find their other half or strengthen their relationship with her, if they already have one. Only now it is worth remembering that the stars only predict this, and the happiness of Aquarius is only in their hands! We have to act, and not wait idly.

How to prioritize correctly and what to pay attention to first of all – read in our horoscope for Aquarius for 2023.

Horòscop per a homes Aquari per al 2023

Astrologers advise men in 2023 not to doubt themselves, but to prove to themselves and others that you can do a lot. The first few months of the year, especially spring, will not be easy – you will have to work hard and hard. However, you should not worry about this – very soon you will be awarded a promotion or salary.

Free time is better to devote to self-development. Develop your personal and professional qualities to discover new perspectives in the second half of the year.

– Now it will be necessary to prove that you are capable of more! Many in the social field will doubt you, but you should not pay attention to this, pull yourself together and move on! Believe me, a huge potential is hidden in you, and now there is a chance to reveal it, advises Alice Gold.

Horòscop per a dones Aquari per al 2023

The year of transformation will be the Year of the Rabbit for Aquarius women. They are waiting for important discoveries. For example, many representatives of the sign will reveal their potential, mark out plans for the future. And some even open the business of life. This, by the way, will happen by chance, so you should not dwell on it.

Busy times can be from April to May and from October to November. Many may give up during this period of time. But this is a big mistake. Yes, you may not have enough time and energy to implement what you have planned, but believe me, your efforts will be noticed and rewarded with dignity.

2023 could be a moving year for Aquarius women – chances are you will move to another city or even country.

With the second half it is better to talk more and pay attention to her. Don’t let the situation take its course, as many do.

– Don’t you dare give up and fall into the blues. If you need outside help, just ask and everything will come! Do not forget that there is a whole society around you, which is always open to you. This year is favorable for moving or changing your place of residence, added a professional astrologer.

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Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2023

It cannot be said that everything will be quiet and smooth on the love front for the representatives of the sign. Little tension is expected.

Astrologers say that even if lonely Aquarians meet a soul mate (this will be in summer or autumn), nothing serious will come of this meeting. This is largely due to the Aquarius themselves: representatives of the sign do not want to open up and do not trust new people. Advice is appropriate here: open up to the world if you want a serious relationship, because nothing will work without trust.

Those who are already in a relationship can also have difficulties. Passion will subside, each in a couple will be puzzled by their own affairs and will forget to “work” on relationships, and this is important for harmony and love in a couple. However, you should not be afraid of such a forecast, because first of all you are the scriptwriters of your life. Relationship problems can be avoided by talking to each other, and loneliness can be avoided by opening up and trusting the world.

Love requires more involvement from Aquarius men. In order not to be cold in a relationship, they need to communicate more often with the lady of the heart and pay attention to her.

– In love, you can “hack and not work” with a partner, so quarrels and disagreements may appear. If you do not want this, then pay enough attention to your partner, the astrologer advises.

Approximately the same professional says about women.

“Talk more with your partner and explain your actions and emotions, people can’t read your thoughts, you should be more open,” says Alice Gold.

Horòscop de salut per a Aquari per al 2023

In the spring and summer of 2023, Aquarians need to pay attention to their health. You should not neglect the advice so as not to run into health problems at the end of summer.

Under the blow, astrologers say, the stomach gets. Aquarians of both sexes need to adhere to a healthy and balanced diet, refuse fatty, fried foods.

The emotional background will be increased, so it is important to monitor mental health. If you feel tired, then it’s time to rest. And it is better to rest from time to time until fatigue has accumulated.

Astrologers note that Aquarians working in factories may face work-related injuries. You have to be careful and follow safety precautions.

In the first half of the year, there are risks of catching viruses, getting sick with SARS, and coming down with a temperature, so you need to strengthen your immunity. A balanced diet, outdoor walks, sports, and drinking regimen will help you with this.

In the second half of the year, health problems do not portend.

Horòscop financer per a Aquarius per al 2023

The Year of the Rabbit for Aquarius is a year of opportunities and the opening of a financial flow. But nothing falls from the sky, no matter how the stars foretell. Much will have to be done by ourselves. If we want results, then we move and work.

If Aquarius works in the office, then he should not expect career growth and a jump in wages, while the attitude towards work remains condoning. The success of an employee depends only on the employee himself. Develop, improve your skills, learn – get results.

In the first 3 months of 2023, professionals advise against spending money thoughtlessly! It is better to save until April, otherwise you will be left without money. There will be many temptations, but January-February-March is not the best time to spend hard-earned money. But in the summer you can relax. An improvement in the financial situation is expected in October, bonuses will go, wages will increase, and additional income will appear. You can plan large purchases – from an expensive smartphone to a car!

Recomanacions per als aquaris per al 2023

  • Do not withdraw into yourself and do not become isolated in your problems. Learn to open up and trust, then you will see that life can be easier and simpler;
  • If you are offered to change the field of activity, do not refuse immediately. Give yourself time to consider the offer. Perhaps this is your life’s work! Don’t hold on to stability and take risks;
  • Build personal boundaries and do not let anyone violate them. Relatives at first will not understand you, and then they will treat you differently – knowing how you should not be treated;
  • Listen to the opinions of loved ones and your partner. Don’t think you’re right about everything. Sometimes a side view is very helpful;
  • Engage in self-development – it is always useful;
  • Don’t dwell on failures.

Comentari d’experts

Comentaris l'astròleg professional Alice Gold especialment per a "KP":

“In general, 2023 will be favorable for Aquarius if you follow the above recommendations. You can’t give up after a failure, because everything will work out in any case, and it will be even better. It is important to listen to the opinion of a loved one, communicate more with him, pay attention. Aquarians should be more open and start trusting this world.”

Preguntes i respostes populars

Respostes l'astròleg professional Alice Gold:

Is the Year of the Rabbit (Cat) favorable for Aquarius, and what should be done to make the year successful?

In general, it is important for Aquarius not to close, to be in their society. You need to understand that now you can reveal your full potential only if you are not lazy! New acquaintances and creativity are important. Bring it into your life yourself, do not sit still, otherwise you will miss everything.

Què tan precisa és una previsió tan general per a cada Aquari específic?

Each Aquarius has 11 more signs and different components, so it’s better to make a personal horoscope if the year is really important to you. A common horoscope is a common one, and each person is unique.

To what extent will Aquarians be affected by the general trends of 2023?

2023 is associated with the disclosure of yourself and your nature. Aquarius like no one can break ahead in this matter. Only if they don’t start cowardly and sit in the corner. You are bright and creative individuals, be yourself!

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