
It is no coincidence that diets do not work as long as we would like — there are reasons for this. Instead of looking for the next magic recipes, we suggest focusing on the three basic principles of smart nutrition.

I just finished talking on the phone with my friend and almost burst into tears. I remember well with what joy and hope she entered the fight against excess weight: the diet promised her salvation. She firmly believed that this time everything would work out. And life will magically change. The new mode seemed so good, convenient, especially at the very beginning.

But everything collapsed, and old habits returned, and with them — a familiar feeling of shame, failure, disappointment and hopelessness.

Most of us are well aware that diets don’t work. By diet, I mean any special diet that we set up with the goal of losing weight as quickly as possible. This regime is not designed for the long term.

Recent weight loss research suggests that rapid weight loss—contrary to previous beliefs—may be a good strategy, reducing the health risks associated with obesity and poor eating habits. However, you must have another, more realistic strategy for an indefinitely long time, or you will return to the old way of life and, perhaps, gain even more weight than you lost.

La meva amiga, com moltes altres, ha provat totes les dietes, i la pèrdua de pes cíclica i l'augment de pes al llarg de les dècades ha format en ella una forta creença en la seva pròpia manca de voluntat. Ja tenim prou motius per criticar-nos, així que la sensació que no som capaços de mantenir un estil de vida saludable en tota la resta és terriblement desmoralitzant. Sembla, no és culpa nostra que no podem controlar la nostra gana i seguir una dieta? No. No és culpa nostra, aquestes avaries són inevitables.

Any diet food is extreme enough if it allows you to achieve quick results.

And we often perceive the transition to it as a serious sacrifice on our part. We spend hours preparing special meals and buying special, expensive foods. But at the same time, we do not feel satisfied after such a meal. A determined attitude and a high level of self-discipline can be maintained for a certain time, but all of us, in all honesty, can not wait until this diet is over and we can finally relax.

Vaig superar aquest canvi de dieta fa molt de temps. Sé del cert que aquesta superació requereix una revolució en la consciència: la formació d'una nova actitud davant el menjar i amb un mateix. Consciència de les seves pròpies necessitats úniques d'alimentació, i no seguir una sola instrucció per a tots.

I’m not going to underestimate the real difficulties associated with losing weight. At the slightest weight loss, the body’s defense reaction turns on, which activates the accumulation mode, and appetite increases, as our body tries to restore balance. This is really a problem. Still, I believe that changing your relationship with food is the only strategy that works to achieve and maintain a healthy weight throughout your life.

Principles of healthy and sustainable weight loss

1. Stop going from extreme to extreme

Cada vegada que feu un canvi dràstic d'estil de vida, hi ha un efecte bumerang previsible.. Et sents tan limitat per una disciplina rígida, privat de plaer, que en algun moment hi ha una ruptura, i abandones la dieta i et recolzes en aliments grassos, dolços i rics en calories amb una passió especial. Algunes persones perden tant la fe en si mateixes després d'anys de "fracàs" que fins i tot els canvis dietètics més modestos (i molt reeixits!) es descomponen.

Els demano que no siguin massa autocrítics: passen aquest tipus de coses i només cal començar de nou amb els bons hàbits que ja han desenvolupat. Per a alguns clients, això sembla una revelació. Però de fet, si vas caure a la carretera, no t'hi quedaràs. T'aixeques, desempolses i segueixes endavant. Per què, retirant els hàbits saludables, heu de menjar en excés durant mesos? No et critiquis ni castiguis. Només començar de nou. Realment no hi ha res dolent amb això.

If the breakdown repeats, it is also not scary. Start again. Selfishness and insults are not allowed. Instead, tell yourself, “I’m fine, that’s how it was meant to be. It happens to almost everyone, and it’s normal.»

2. Gaudeix del que menges

It is impossible to stick to a diet that you do not like for the rest of your life. Plus, life is too short to eat foods you hate. Trying to replace your favorite cheeseburger with a salad only makes sense if you really love salads.

What healthier (but equally beloved) meal would you replace a cheeseburger with? Whether it’s baked potatoes with cream cheese or hummus and avocado cereal, it’s important to find healthy alternatives that make you happy.

But it will take time for your taste buds and habits to adapt.

If you cannot live without sweets and are trying to give up sugar, replace it with a natural source of sweetness like honey. This is already progress. I went to this for a long time, but now I can confidently say that I no longer crave sweets. And I don’t miss them at all. «Don’t miss» sounds a lot better than «deprived,» doesn’t it?

3. Establiu-vos amb els canvis que definitivament podeu donar suport.

My client recently regained her great shape due to the fact that she thought out the regime perfectly and organized herself a balanced healthy diet. She spared no time to grill vegetables and chicken, prepare healthy sauces and other healthy delicacies. “I made colorful arrangements out of them on a plate and published them on social networks,” she said. What is the problem then?

Només que, a causa de la seva sobreocupació en els negocis, no es podia permetre el luxe de viure així de manera permanent. Tan bon punt va acabar el programa de benestar, que estava sota la supervisió d'una nutricionista, va deixar de preparar aquests plats.

If something doesn’t fit into your daily life, don’t take it on.

Of course, it is helpful and important to form new eating and eating habits — this process will be part of your journey. But only take on those transformations that are realistic for you and that you can maintain indefinitely.

Quan estigueu pensant a afegir alguna cosa nova i saludable a la vostra dieta, com un batut d'esmorzar verd, primer feu-vos aquestes preguntes: és fàcil de fer? Gaudiré del seu sabor? Puc imaginar-me fent-ho regularment sense cap problema? Si les respostes són majoritàriament positives, llavors l'hàbit pot ser adequat per a tu. Probablement això és exactament el que estàs buscant.

Use this principle in any other situation involving a change in lifestyle, diet, exercise — this will increase your chances of success.

About the Author: Susan Biali is a physician, wellness coach, lecturer, and author of Live the Life You Love: 7 Steps to a Healthier, Happier, More Passionate Version of Yourself.

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